
Things You Need Right Now: The Prettiest Darned Watercolor Prints Ever

Friday, July 26, 2013

Every time Summer hits in the city, I can't help but think of this quote from Chuck Palahniuk's "Invisible Monsters" where the main character describes how great she feels in the sweltering weather:
" was a great feeling, a million spotlights picking you out of the crowd, or into a restaurant when outside it was ninety degrees, and everyone would turn and look, like you'd just been given some major distinguished award for lifetime beauty achievement." 
Umm, what?

I've attempted to channel this outlook to absolutely no avail every time a new sweat bead flees for its life down my body. However, these gorgeous watercolor prints by Virginia Johnson are so full of cool Summery colors, it's almost enough to make this heat worth it. 

Weekend Snapshots

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It's been quite the shitstorm around here lately - in the very best way possible - which has kept me on my feet and away from my keyboard. To catch you up on a few things, I lost all self-respect during this heatwave and bathed in a public water fountain, wore more top knots than Nick could handle and less clothing than appropriate for work. Or for ever.

Also on the clothing topic, I'm fairly certain there are no good outfits for falling down stairs, but I had the distinct privilege of finding out what falling down an entire flight in a bathing suit is like. It was at the Empire Hotel rooftop lounge and it was graphic. Thankfully, I had an onlooker verbally rush to my aid with an "oh god!" before sauntering back over to my friends with both my pride and bikini misplaced. 

I did, however, get to see some of my favorite beauties this weekend which reminded me to post this batch of overdue weekend snapshots from our Central Park picnic:

Monday's Mantra

Monday, July 15, 2013

This Monday morning, I leave you with a simple one:

via Fairy Tales are True
Check out pretty prints of this mantra and others like it from Taraphotographics' Etsy shop.


DIY Trash to Tribal-Inspired Folding Desk Chair

Friday, July 12, 2013

Among the piles of bouquets and diamonds from my many suitors, Nick stands out because he brings me discarded items from the steaming trash piles of New York City sidewalks. And I love it. Knowing of this extreme love for collecting things, especially free things, Nick added a little broken-down folding chair from the corner of 35th and Lexington to our DIY queue a while back. 

A Couple of Restaurants to Add to Your "Must Eat Here" List

Monday, July 8, 2013

If you're like me and keep a running list of those restaurants people mention in passing that "you HAVE to try," then I have two to add to yours while in NYC. The first is Barbounia, a sunny Mediterranean spot on 20th and Park with an extremely generous brunch deal. I popped in with my little sister when she was in town last weekend and we got unlimited champagne cocktails (bellinis for us, mimosas for Nick) which were filled up by the waiter before we ever finished a glass.
We had the Trio appetizer with the Hummus, Tzatziki and Spicy Feta dip - they are all super tasty but the Spicy Feta is crazy amazing. 

Guest Opinion: Nick's Man Wisdom - "Hey Babe, Those Shorts are Unflattering."

Sunday, July 7, 2013

"Hey Babe, you know, I love the way those shorts make your butt look just so saggy. All of that room between the fabric and your skin. Mhmm."

In true Nick fashion, he would never say outright that anything I am wearing is "unflattering," but I know deep down that saggy crotches and butts aren't exactly what pleases our man friends' eyeballs. And still I can't stop wearing my boyfriend shorts this Summer. So I'll continue to share bits of Nick Wisdom here and there which I know to be true but gleefully ignore if you'd like to join in.


Things You Need Right Now: Big Summery Totes

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

As we stare down the remainder of this work week full of night-before-we-go-to-Disney-world anticipation, my impending Fourth of July plans have had me mentally packing my beach bag for days. And filling online shopping carts with dreamy beach bags from all around the interwebs. Lots of bright, pretty colors, patterns and dreamy amounts of canvas are perfect for bringing along this weekend, despite the rain forecast. 

Here are a few big summery totes that I'm feeling in need of right now:

Sakroots Water Nation Coral Reef Tote / Steele for J.Crew Cole Bag / Furbish Ikat Weekend Bag / Joie Louisa Woven Tote / Vince Camuto Palm Print Tote / Lo & Sons Catalina Weekender /  Etsy Neon & Chevron Canvas Tote / Zara Star Shopper
I've been stalking down Lo & Sons bags for some time and the Catalina might just be the one to make me jump. Then again, I love all of these equally serious amounts so I may just have to make some more room in my closet for a couple new friends.

Till next time,