
Things You Need Right Now: The Spring Jacket

Friday, May 10, 2013

Among the many differences between Florida and New York is weather (duh) and, in turn, your wardrobe. Accommodating actual seasons is bizarre. And holy hell was I painfully unprepared when I first moved here. 

Two years in, I am still building the different seasons of my closet and am thinking my next purchase will be this Northeastern thing called a Spring jacket. 

All of my friends know that I have ZERO qualms with blowing every last penny on something new and pretty to wear when I know, and they know, that I will whine and complain about how I have no money to go out for drinks or to spend on a quality meal as I near that dive to zero before my next paycheck. Then another paycheck, then spend it all, then wallow, then remember that I live in NYC where being poor is called 'making it happen' so then I'm good. 

In that spirit, I have been checking out Aritzia's new line of Spring jackets and am in love. There's denim, tweed, leather, camo, flowers, pastels, bright colors, general amazingness. 

Photo Cred: Aritzia

Nick says I don't need anymore jackets (see very very small closet) but I beg to differ. I think I have to have one. Plus, Aritzia is currently conducting a promotional campaign to raise money for one of three amazing charities and letting their Facebook followers vote for the recipient of the funds. 

Photo Cred: Aritzia
I for one can't think of anything better than looking good while doing good. 

Any experienced Spring jacketers out there have some other great suggestions?

Till next time,


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